Why India Inc Is Turning To Co-working Spaces More Than Ever


Traditional businesses have undergone a sea change in the last year. The pandemic has changed the rule book of how work is done across all sectors. With decentralization becoming the new ‘mantra’ India Inc is slowly and steadily jumping on the bandwagon, like its global counterparts, to announce permanent work from home for up to 60% of its workforce. The next few years will be crucial in creating an equilibrium between safety & wellbeing and cost-efficiency. With initial announcements from the IT field, following the footsteps of Google and Facebook, Indian companies like TCS and Infosys were the torch bearers in decentralization. Soon, other corporate giants and SMEs gave a nod to long-term WFH. But, one year down, with the pandemic situation not showing signs of regress India Inc is scouting for options to create a healthy work-life balance for its employees and a stimulated collaborative environment for work to prosper. Wolfpack, a leading company for best coworking space in Bangalore and Kochi, enlists the top 5 reasons why India Inc is turning to co-working spaces more than ever. 

     Research Says So – As per a survey conducted by Indeed.com as high as 59 per cent of Indian employers were against remote working in the new normal and 7 in 10 confirmed that they will not continue it once a permanent solution to the pandemic was found. There is an increasing demand for a hybrid model of working by companies across all sectors and scale that are reviewing long-term strategies for creating sustainable and profitable operations. 


          Self-realization – While research conducted indicates that 3 out of 4 Indian employers emphasize no decline in employee productivity due to remote working but in the several months passed India Inc has realized that working from home is not a long term possibility. While navigating through the sticky socio-economic situation WFH seemed the wise route to take initially, but recovery, growth and long-term sustainability need teamwork, relationship building and heightened crisis management. Coworking and shared offices become a win-win situation for India Inc that is trying to walk the tight rope of business efficiency. 


          Vaccine Drives –Soon after the lockdown eased in May in 2020 coworking spaces in Bangalore, Kochi and other major cities have begun to receive strong enquiries from entrepreneurs, start-ups and corporates. In the last few months with the vaccine drive underway there is new optimism in the air. Of course, temporary trends of fear and anxiety among employers concerning the safety and well being of their teams do crop up but as a thumb rule India Inc is taking positive strides towards developing and growing real-life interactions of colleagues at the workplace through shared office spaces. While respecting the lockdown rules India Inc is showing great resolution to get back into collaborative work mode. 


          Better facilities & no fuss – Running a traditional company comes with its headaches. Especially during the pandemic companies and businesses have to follow strict adherence to sanitation and safety compliance. With superior coworking spaces and shared offices available, the onus of adherence is mutually shared by coworking space owners and users. Good coworking space offices ensure the following – 


  • Restricted entry with regular body temperature check
  • Compulsory use of gloves and masks at all times
  • Two-hour disinfection of office spaces including desks, cafeteria and bathrooms
  • Placing desks at a minimum distance of 5 to 6 feet ensuring social distance
  • New wellness facilities like isolation rooms and evacuation path
  • Sanitizing stations at regular points


Overwhelmed with the response to covid-ready office space, Wolfpack is a leading company offering workspaces for rent in Bangalore and Kochi. Our approach and preparation to help India Inc get back on its feet and conduct business in the ‘new normal' have won accolades and appreciation. Looking for an affordable, engaging and healthy workspace near you! Get in touch with us.